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NO to Back Pain and YES to Self Help

If you've never tried DORN, now is the time. You might be pleasantly surprised how gentle this Method is and what it can do for your Back or Neck! A very different kind of working with your Back + very valuable Self help exercises are included with your session.

What is the Dorn Method?

The Dorn Method is a gentle manual therapy which focuses on helping to alleviate the causes of common Back and Joint pain problems in people of all ages. It is used to correct misalignments of the spine and other joints, thus helping to alleviate many common health problems including:

Back Pain  ~  Neck Pain  ~  Headaches & Migraines  ~  Leg length difference

Sciatica  ~  Joint problems such as Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle, Jaw





The Dorn Method is a very gentle and safe therapy where the therapist works in harmony together with the client using a range of specific techniques and exercises in a unique ‘dynamic’ approach, enabling joints to move more easily back into place and so restoring balance to the body. Dorn therapy avoids unnecessary stress to muscles and ligaments involving no jerky manipulation or ‘clicking’ and ‘crunching’ of joints which people may fear or dislike.

What does a Dorn Method session involve?

Your first session usually begins with an initial consultation to discuss your problem. If it is felt Dorn Method would be beneficial, the therapy is then explained and offered to you. This initial session usually lasts around an hour, whereas any follow on sessions typically last around 40 minutes. (however this depends on each individual therapist).

During a Dorn Method session you'll be actually working together with the therapist rather than remaining completely passive. We'll begin with an initial leg length comparison check because a high percentage of people suffering from back pain show a slight leg length difference due mostly to lifestyle factors bearing on hip joints and muscles.

Next your pelvis is checked for any misalignment, followed by a lumbar, thoracic (spinal column) and cervical vertebrae (neck) check. Often back pain can also be attributed to the vertebrae in your spine being slightly out of place, which puts pressure on the nerves running along and out of the spinal column. Therefore a lot of focus will be on correcting vertebrae as necessary. This is a gentle process and you will find yourself working actively with the therapist. Unique to the Dorn Method and to try to help prevent future problems from re-occurring, a good Dorn therapist will show you how to carry out simple Self-help exercises for you to carry out at home.


He who doesn't do something for his health every day, will have to sacrifice a lot of time for his illness one day.   ~  Sebastian Kneipp


Leg length check

Thoracic vertebrae correction


Lumbar vertebrae correction

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Thoracic vertebrae correction

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